24 Jul JÁNOŠÍK 2022 – update
In few weeks we will meet again at 6th edition of JÁNOŠÍK Slovak Xtreme Triathlon. While we are working on the preparations, we would like to share with you some good news:
-benevolent limit at T2 (after the bike) at 11:30 am (previous was 10:15 am)
-white course on the run (white finisher T-shirt) – cut off ate 3:00 pm at Medzirozsutce (before veľký Rozsutec)
-mandatory supporter from 25th km of the run (athlete can run alone the first part of the run – from T2 to Hotel Diery)
-you can run the first 25 km of the run alone. Mandatory running equipment for you and your supporter will be checked at the entrance to JÁNOŠÍKOVÉ DIERY, at the 25 km of the run. You can´t enter the valley without support and without the mandatory equipment for both of you.
Map for the white course will be available soon:)
See you in Terchová